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How an Autistic, Lesbian, Woman 50+ created better and healthier chocolate!

by Suzie Yorke

For decades, Suzie has been hooked on sweets and sugar, blissfully unaware of the havoc it has been wreaking on her health. After reading Nina Teicholz’s revolutionary book, ‘The Big Fat Surprise’, she realizes that the way most of us view fats and sugar is terribly wrong! Now she is faced with a new challenge – filling the gaping void that exists in the food industry for tasty, healthy food which is low in sugar and high in good fats. Equipped with her arsenal of marketing experience and her drive to spread the word about good fats, Suzie set out to establish herself as a leading force in the market for the tastiest ‘good fat’ of them all – chocolate!

Follow Suzie Yorke on her unlikely journey of self-discovery and entrepreneurship, one that leads to co-founding her second multimillion dollar healthy food brand - ‘FourX Better Chocolate’. In this book, you’ll gain valuable insight into the root cause behind the misinformation about saturated fats, you’ll learn about the many dimensions of chocolate, and you’ll get to see firsthand why Suzie is so passionate about what she does!

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